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About Iftikhar Thakur

Male actor Iftikhar Thakur from Pakistan, famous due to film

comedian and Actor


Iftikhar Thakur Actor Pictures Interview Biography

Iftikhar Thakur is a Pakistani actor.he belongs to Mian Channoo.he Worked there in a Motor Work Shop. He has starred in many stage dramas/telefilms in different languages such as Urdu, Punjabi, Pothwari/Mirpuri etc. One of his most famous telefilms has been "The Miki Kharo England Series" which very successful amongst the Pothwari & kashmiri community.

In the Miki Kharo England, meaning take me to England, series Iftikhar Thakur acts as a young man "Aftab" who wants to get married to a girl from England and wants to go and stay in England. In Main Julian England, meaning I'm going to England, he gets married and plans coming to stay in England.

Thakur acts best with comedy actors Shahzada Ghaffar Nasir chinyoti Tariq Teddi and Hameed Babar. Thakur is recognised as one of the best stage comedians, as by giving his best performances in stage dramas such as Mohabbat CNG , Chalak Totay

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