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Celebrities » Actor » Moammar Rana

About Moammar Rana

Male actor Moammar Rana from Pakistan, famous due to lollywood



Moammar Rana Actor Pictures Interview Biography

First film: Kuriyon ko daley dana (1996)
Moammar Ranas second film was one of the greatest box office hits of Pakistani cinema called "Deewanay Tere Pyar Ke". It was produced by Sajjad Gul of Evernew pictures and directed by the top notch director Syed Noor. "Deewanay Tere Pyar Ke" was released on November 7, 1997 and remained in theatres for one year. His other hits include mega hit film "Chooriyan", Nikki Jai Haan, Reshma, Mehndi wale hath, Jungle Queen, Daku Rani, Pal do pal, Rukhsati, Mujhe Chand Chahiye, Uff ye biwiyan, Sapnay Apnay Apnay, Ghazi Ilm-ud-din Shaheed and Javed Sheikh's blockbuster "Ye Dill Aapka Hua", which is the first movie of the sub continent shot in Spain... (by Moosa Raza, Australia)

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